Common Problems in Construction Material Shipping and Logistics
The shipping and logistics of construction materials includes shipping doors, windows, hardware, and insulation. Therefore, timing is very important with this kind of freight. This is because you cannot go to the next step of the building without finishing the one you are on. Additionally, there is a degree of seasonality when shipping building products. For instance, once the snow starts to melt and the temperature starts to rise there is going to be more construction going on. In short, this results in more building products being shipped. A variety of modes of transportation are used for shipping construction freight and they vary depending on where the shipment is ending up. Here are a few common issues and potentials solutions when it comes to construction material shipping.
Considerable Damage
First, there can be damage when construction materials are being transported from one place to another. A lot of times it is oversized freight, and those items require proper handing. You need to load and unload those items with care. When that is done without expert handling, there can be considerable damage. You should be sure to have permits and follow the regulations when it comes to oversized construction materials. As mentioned, working with expert drivers really helps because they will deliver items as safely as possible.
Following Shipping Supply and Demand
Another common problem that is faced is the fluctuation of supply and demand when it comes to construction materials. You can get an excessive number of orders in a short window, which can cause delays. There can be what is known as truck traffic at the warehouse facilities that are storing the construction items. You need to not only keep up with having enough supply on deck, but the shipping of the supply needs to be organized. You may need construction material at any given point on a construction site due to the nature of the industry. On the flip side, you may run into a dip in orders because of demand being low. In these situations, you can partner with a 3PL who has the capacity to adapt to the rise and fall of shipping supply and demand. 3PL providers can scale to the needs of their customers.
Keeping Up with the Truckers
Next, we can assume the problem of data limitations when it comes to the construction material industry and its supply chain. It is nothing less than complex when you consider all that goes into logistics. When you do not have the data to support optimized shipping, you run into issues. You need to be transparent with the truckers. And in return, you need to have visibility provided to your customers. Collecting and analyzing data is your best bet as a company if you value openness. Invest in technology that can track comprehensive logistics through a database platform. You can figure out where resources are most needed to create efficiency in the supply chain.
At HTL Freight we take construction material shipping very seriously and want to ensure the success of you and all of our customers. To find out more, you can contact us. Additionally, if you want to get started today, you can click here and request a freight quote.